
(New 2022) Al Iraqiya 3 Sports frequency on Badr 6 - Nilesat

The Frequency of Sports channel Al Iraqiya 3 Sports on Badr 6 and Nilesat

Al Iraqiya 3 Sports frequency on Badr 6

Get the frequency of Arabic sports channel Al Iraqiya 3 Sports TV , the channel broadcast via Eutelsat 7w and BAdr 6 and Eutelsat 7W (Nilesat) for free, hare is where to watch Sports Matches and your favorite games on Al Iraqiya 3 Sports  new frequency updated on March 7, 2017

The Al Iraqiya 3 Sports is broadcasting on Arabic and is a Sport  channel from Iraq,
 Watch Al Iraqiya 3 Sports live with the frequency and the parameters bellow

Watch the Arabic Al Iraqiya 3 Sports on Badr 6 and Nilesat :

Al Iraqiya 3 SportsBadr 626.0?E11747.00Vertical27495 3/4
Al Iraqiya 3 SportsEutelsat 7 West A7.0?W12379.60Horizontal27500 5/6
Al Iraqiya 3 SportsEutelsat 36B36.0?E12712.00Vertical2500 7/8

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